Hello everyone! It's July, I'm back, and I've got an update! Also, I am sick. Boo. Good news is that I've had two days off from my day job (plus one more tomorrow), so my throat feels much better, though a bit gravelly
First up, I HAVE A NEW WEBSITE! slugladystudio.com! Sadly, Artslug was already bought (by someone willing to sell it for several hundred dollars. Boo.) I've mostly been messing with the look and slowly moving everything from this website onto the new one, but it feels good to have a professional sounding website.
Also, Slug At Work has a new website too! slugatworkcomic.com It's also under construction, and I'll start posting chapter 1 onto the site after some much-needed polishing. Once everything is up on the new site, the Tumblr site will be closed. But don't worry, it's gonna be a bit before that.
As for Art Slug and Sluglady's sketch-log... I haven't really decided what to do with them. I won't close the site but I might just keep them as an archive.
So, what about new updates, huh?
Well, you might have noticed that I posted my first review in ages a week ago! And more updates are coming. I have one big illustrating job to do first! So, Slug at work is still on hiatus. But once that's done, Slug at work will be back, along lets plays, reviews, the whole shebang!
Also, I have been holding back on Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr regarding this last week of Steven Universe episodes. Starting Monday though? I'm going full-on spoilers including short videos up on Youtube
This is the Sluglady, Signing off!