Thursday, November 10, 2016

Sluglady Talks- Never Give In

I don't usually talk about politics but after what happened on Wednesday and with Remembrance day on Friday, I got some things to get off my chest. I'm gonna be talking about some serious and depressing stuff, but I promise, there's a happy ending.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

November News- Nanowrimo is on!

Alright October has come and gone and I have to say it's been a success! October was all about putting out new work and challenging myself with a set schedule, which I have succeeded! Thanks to everyone that was checking out my stuff this month!

But now we're in November, which means a few things. One, it's National Novel Writing Month. It's also the time of year that I have to work more hours at my retail job. So while I'm working on full story scripts and helping customers find Christmas gifts, updates on all sites will be irregular until the new year. The only thing that will stay on track is Slug At Work and my Shardlight letsplay up until it finishes mid November

However, since I can't focus on art as much, I'll be focusing on getting Art Slug, Sluglady's Sketch-Log, and all my other sites back in action! There's a lot that needs to be updates around here, including changing how I display my art and making it easier for you guys to get around!

I'll also be putting together financial related stuff. Ads, Monitization of YouTube videos, and a patreon!

And if you're interested in participating in NaNoWriMo as well, come to the virtual write-in, starting a half an hour from now right here:

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Halloween Countdown Day 9- Nosferatu (Fixed)

Edit: Fixed the lipsincing issues!

Day 9 of the Halloween Countdown and today we're looking at Nosferatu!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Halloween Countdown Day 8- Rosemary's Baby (fixed)

Edit: Fixed the Lipsincing issues!

Over halfway through the Halloween Countdown and I'm starting to lose my mind a wee bit.

Apologies for the sound quality. Ironic that this is probably the lowest quality video but my favorite in terms of quality of content...

Monday, October 17, 2016

Change to SlugLady's Sketch-log!

Hey guys! So I decided that the Sketch Log will now be strictly reviews. So if you want to see new art, letsplay, news, etc, head over to Art Slug. Art Slug will now be my main Hub for ALL my projects, and various websites. So if you're waiting for letsplays, head over there, or check out my youtube page.

Also, through out November, I'm going to be revamping the site, so stay tuned!

Also, Slug At Work has update, so click the pic to check that out!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

SlugLady Reviews: The Transformers Movie 30th Aniversary Edition

Time for a review! Autobots, roll out! (large version of the title card will be posted this weekend on art slug)

-SlugLady aka Tegan Dumpleotn

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Shardlight 9 and 10 are up!

Episodes 9 and 10 are up! And the broken links have been fixed.

Also, Slug At Work has been added to other sites list on the sidebar

Monday, October 10, 2016

Slug At Work has Updated!

Hey everyone! Just letting you know that Slug At Work has updated! click the link or the picture to head over to it!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Ohmigosh a Schedule! October Update and Halloween Countdown!

Hello everyone and Happy Thanksgiving to all you Canadians out there! I have an update! For the month of October, there will be a set scheduled! And something special!

So Mondays shall continue to be when Slug At Work updates! The next page will be up tomorrow, it won't be delayed because of thanksgiving.

New art that isn't part of Slug At Work will get posted on the Friday and weekends. This will include finished pieces and sketches. As it turns out October 21st, a Friday, is Wonder Woman day! And though I have a much much bigger Wonder Woman anniversary illustration in the works, I'll be sure to have something up there on Friday for my favorite gal!

Tuesdays, and Thursdays will continue with my Letsplay of Shardlight for the next couple weeks and THEN on October 25th and 27th, I will instead be playing a spoopy game called Year Walk for Halloween.

And then this Wednesday, I will be posting my FIRST VIDEO REVIEW! What am I reviewing? You'll have to wait and see.

And speaking of Halloween--I am pleased to announce that starting on the 19th, I will be doing a Halloween Countdown!

 13 v-logs-- 13 Halloween or horror movies-- that I have NEVER SEEN BEFORE! And as varied as possible. One slasher, one haunted house, one Vincent Price, (cause Vincent Price is awesome) etc.

 This was the project I had planned right before my hiatus all those years ago! So... yay for personal accomplishments!

So what about November and December? Shardlight and Slug At Work will be continuing as usual, with Shardlight going until the middle of November. However, I am taking place in NANOWRIMO this year! That and I work a retail job. Which means I'm going to be busy not only writing up a storm, but helping customers find Christmas gifts. (And I'm making gifts this year, so there's that too) Which means updates for reviews and art will be a bit more random. But I'll be sure to put together a scheduled by November to give you guys a heads up!

Until then, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and all that jazz!
This is the SlugLady aka Tegan Dumpleton, signing off!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

SlugLady Talks-- Cultural Appropriation

Hey guys! I'm back and it's good to be back! Welcome to SlugLady Talks, which will be short (or long) little segments where I talk about serious stuff. 

Things more serious then the “Reactions To” segment (Which will return, don't you worry). But I literally just made this segment up yesterday, which is why there is no title card yet.

And what better way for us to start then with---

*Looks at title*

...Hoo boy. Just had to go with the controversial stuff didn't I?

Monday, October 3, 2016

Slug At Work Offically Begins!

Hey everyone! It's Monday! Which means my Webcomic "Slug At Work" officially begins! Head over to the Slug At Work website to check out the first page

Seeya guys!
Tegan Dumpleton aka The SlugLady

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Monday, September 26, 2016

Channel and Site update

So Mondays will be Comic Updates. Check the site out here:
Tuesdays and Thursdays will be Lets Plays
And Reviews will be whenever

Art posts will be fairly frequent, but I'll start that tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

LETS PLAY SERIES HAS BEGUN! Jenny LeClue Demo: DEMON SKULL- Part 1 of 4- Click Draw

Yo! Thought I'd let you all know that my LetsPlay series has begun. Head over to youtube, where I'll be posting the rest of the episodes over the next couple of days.

Tegan Dumpleton aka the SlugLady

Saturday, April 9, 2016


So here we are. After being away for ages, I have returned. Hopefully for a long time.

As I said above, I won't go into why I've been away. Not yet. I'll be using it as examples when I talk about important issues in the future.

Now on to the important stuff! Links! Here are the links to all my new various pages and social media sites


More links will appear as I polish up the sites and finalize some updates. But until then,


Tegan Dumpleton aka The SlugLady

(ps. It's good to be back)

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Under Construction--Opening Soon!!!

Hey all, it's been a while huh? Well, if you can't tell yet, I'm back and things are changing here. Can't say much yet, but I'm reconstructing the new site(s) and getting things ready for a grand reopening before posting BRAND NEW STUFF!

Seeya soon!
 Tegan Dumpleton aka THE SLUGLADY